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Eiffel Tower Jenga

This is a fun variation on the Classic 3 Double Tower. As with that Jenga variation, you build two short towers, side-by-side, and a single tower on top of them. The difference here is that the two short towers start away from each other and gradually step towards each other to meet in the middle.

Build the base to look like this:

Then start pulling pieces from the base to add rows to the single tower in the center.

At any point, you can start pulling pieces from the single tower as well, as long as you’re pulling from below a completed row.

Eventually, there won’t be enough free pieces to make a row of three, and you’ll begin putting pieces on vertically. If you get that far, victory is close at hand.

The best part of this Jenga variation is the extreme cantilevering that happens at the base:

Despite how sketchy that looks, it’s actually quite stable, perhaps because it’s similar in shape to an arch. Victory, as always, is possible with a steady hand.