Giant Jenga takes the classic game and turns it into a large-scale party game that’s far better for social settings like bars and barbeques. But most people don’t know about Jenga variations, so they just play Giant Jenga using the Classic 3 setup. Giant Jenga gets a lot more exciting when you incorporate Classic 5 and Vertical Jenga variations.
Here’s an example of a mixed-tower start:
As you can see, we started with a Vertical 5 House of Cards layer, but then added a Classic 3 layer and a Classic 5 layer. Then we did another Vertical 5 House of Cards layer, followed by a mix of Classic 3 and Classic 5 layers.
How you start is really up to you. You can pick just one variation or, as we did, blend them.
Building up from there, we went with dealer’s choice: Whoever started a new layer could choose whatever style they wanted.
The tower gets tall very quickly when you use vertical layers. Soon we were stretching over our heads to add blocks to the top.
A few layers after that, we were standing on a chair to pull and place pieces.
Victory was achieved when we ran out of pieces to pull, and it was just in time – the final piece was just 2 inches below the ceiling!
Beating this Giant Jenga variation was thrilling, and thankfully it never collapsed. From that height, a falling piece could break your toe! Have fun creating your own Giant Jenga variations!